Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ours Come Pre-wired . . . .

for this kind of stuff.

Knows the Darth Vader March at 20 months?  Yes.  Often defeats his older brothers in a light-saber duel?  Yes.  When he comes in the room wielding a light-saber twice his size, do others flee?  Yes.

Who?  Little ol' me?


**Did you notice how he nods his head 'yes' in the video?  You didn't?  Oh . . . that's because he nods with his mouth instead.  Picked that up early on -- and we are pretty sure it's because nodding with his whole head was too much work.  A boy's got to save his energy for battles and things of that nature.


summer said...

both hilarious.

the song & the mouth that says yes. Love that one!!

crush said...

That is hilarious!!! I love the mouth nod. I had to go back and watch it again!!! SO CUTE!

Jenni said...

Nice! Love it! Good thing I taught Owen that piano song. You'll never hear the end of that one...

Lisa said...

Thank you for explaining the mouth nod, because that's super funny.

And, might I say, I'm impressed because he was right on pitch!! :)

Heather said...

He is so cute.