Monday, February 28, 2011

Kids. . . . Don't try this at home

Ever. . . . ever, ever, evvvvver.

We called it "The Summer of the Piano".  And it really was.  We estimated that somewhere around 3,500,002 man hours were put into this thing.  That's just a ballpark number.

We bought this old piano (from the 1920s) that was in pretty bad shape and decided that it would make a fun project.  I love old pianos.  And after 3 years sitting in our Washington garage and 2 years in our Utah garage, we thought it was time to get a-goin' on it.  You see, projects tend to get better with age.

We went from this (this taken after all the old stuff was stripped and sanded off--I love my Rich):

To this:

And for those of you who are thinking of refinishing anything, much less a piano, take a moment or two to rethink that thought.  However, if you have weeks of spare time, muscles that need some toning and ample room to make messes in, then this is the project for you!

One thing you must know about us is that if we are going to do something, we are going to do it right.  We call it being 'particular' (or is that 'peculiar').  We took the entire thing apart, sanded each crevice, painted each part (no less than 4 coats) and sealed it (no less than 3 coats).  Then we re-keyed it, just in time for Sawyer to bang some blue and yellow toys on it and mark those keys back up for us.  Oh, that boy.

Was it worth it?  I think so. . . .

My visions sometimes turn into Rich's nightmares, but isn't it pretty?  Now, about how it sounds . . . . hopefully the tuner can save it.  But if not . . . . isn't it pretty?


Heather said...

Shar, the piano is BEAUTIFUL! Yes, it is pretty. Can't wait to see it in person. You are very particular, and I love it!

Becky said...

WOW!!! I'm impressed! Hopefully it gets some use.

Lisa said...

Nicely done!!! It looks amazing and hope it sounds just as good after a good tuning!

Carrick family said...

It is soo beautiful!!! Can Rich do mine?? :) It is worth it!!!

Amy said...

Now THAT is impressive! Gorgeous.

Lesa said...

I love this post... so much work my hands are hurting this moment. Great job!!!!

Heidi said...

Yeah, I feel for ya!! It turned out beautiful, and I'm impressed you did all that work!! My brother and sister-in-law did the same thing to an old vintage piano, and they said, NEVER, EVER, EVER again, and they definitely don't recommend it! Gorgeous work though!